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Category: Art

Nullam laoreet tincidunt mus facilisis mi. Eros efficitur curae viverra netus consectetur vitae accumsan magna.

Hamlet’s Reversed Don Quixote Dream

In keeping with Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary here are some appropriate reviews of: Hamlet, Don Quixote and Reversed Dream. Andrew Venning reviews Hamlet, Don Quixote and Reversed Dream.


The Crime Museum Exhibition: Review

 By Andrew Venning As you enter the Crime Museum at The Museum of London you are met with a 1996 police car, that looks like something


Thespodyssey – Episode 2

Rachael and Andrew discuss the TAX monster and talk about the trivialities of the acting profession & other buffoonery. We also review Jane Bussman’s book,

Street art London

Street Art: London

Undoubtedly, you will discover the leakage of my grey matter on the pages of this digital island. Needless to say these are mostly indulgences that

This is Ben


‘Blankness’ is Benjamin Robert Muir’s photographic self-portrait series that explores the inescapable lows of creative self-doubt. This series of self-portraits embodies the concept of being

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