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Editors Note October 2015

So handsome

 by Kris Makuch, October 2015

We’re so rock and roll!

Wow. This one was a biggie!

This month we’ve had more content submitted than ever before. A real barrage of news, reviews and interviews!

We have our first inside look at app development. Our first art review (yes, thats right, we do culture). And a few newbies have joined our blueniverse as well!

Not going to lie. It’s also been the toughest issue to produce yet. There’s been tight work deadlines to keep. Weeks with little-to-no sleep. Technical issue on repeat, and even the odd emotional breakdown to seal the deal is well.

We’re so rock and roll!

Issue #005 has been all about learning to curate what is feasibly possible to squeeze into one month. Balancing time with the tasks in hand is an art! The real craft seems to be in estimating how long tasks will take (and then adding on extra time for anything unexpected). Apparently if you underestimate any of this. Then you’ve bigger issues to worry about…

Well, this was one of those months where we all underestimated the power of Salt Angel Blue.


This factor clashes with another rule of thumb I always standby – Never underestimate a designer with a deadline.

There was a behemoth of content to design, edit, and publish but this is when the magic begins. We’re now passed the point of no return and need to push out the minimum viable project. So in the true tradition of Salt Angel Blue. Lets get cracking and see what happens

Were also trying some new ideas too (standard) so we’re dropping some extra articles out later in the month as little surprise treats – a great chance to try out how people interact with a more ‘live’ feeling magazine (GASP!) Exciting!

We’ve also added in a new ‘love’, ‘like’ and ‘lost it’ feature on each article so we can get a little bit more feedback on peoples thoughts.

Keep up the good love and remember that if you haven’t enough salty blue in your life, then there is loads more things happening on ourFacebook page.

Love you, byeeeee.

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