Urban Myths Fake News Misconceptions Nonspiracies False Narratives Debunked

News archive

Being a man

Dive into the challenges of modern masculinity. Explore the journey of breaking free from societal expectations and embracing emotional vulnerability.

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Google Pixel is it worth the hype

Google Pixel: Is it worth the hype?

First his memory started fading. He couldn’t even retain simple pieces of information. Then his response rate got gradually slower and slower. Even simple tasks started taking an age to

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Doctor Faustus review

Dr Faustus Review

Welcome thespians! Check out Andrew Venning’s DR Faustus review below! Alas poor Marlowe. Christopher Marlowe made a profound impact on the English stage and on Shakespeare and had he lived longer would

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The Flick Review

The Flick Review

Welcome culture vultures! Check out The Flick review by Andrew Venning below! What a fantastic show. Rarely have I laughed so heartily in the Theatre. The Flick, the Pulitzer prize winning play has made it’s way form

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Hollow Crown Review

Hollow Crown Part Two Review

Welcome thespians! Check out Andrew Venning’s Hollow Crown Part One review below! Henry VI Part 2 In the second episode we open with a bloody outdoor battle and witness the deaths

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Kings of War review

Kings of war review

Welcome thespians! Check out Andrew Venning’s King’s of War review below! ToneelGroup Amsterdam have returned to the Barbican with another daring take on a cycle of Shakespeare’s plays. Ivo Van Hove, now

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Hollow Crown Review

The Hollow Crown Part One Review

Welcome thespians! Check out Andrew Venning’s Hollow Crown Part One review below! Henry VI Part 1 The BBC returns to Shakespeare following the first instalment back in 2012. This time they have contracted Henry VI Part

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B2B. You’re Doing it Wrong!

B2B. What an exciting topic of conversation… …Said no-one ever. See, whenever I mention anything to do with my job to friends and family I’m greeted by the same vague

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Sunset Boulevard Review

Welcome thespians! Check out Andrew Venning’s Sunset Boulevard Review below! Sunset Boulevard is the musical written by Andrew Lloyd-Webber based on the film by Billy Wilder which focuses on the fading silent

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What the Hell is IBD Day?

Hello and welcome to the 19th May 2016. The 19th May is an important date for me, over 300,000 people across the UK and millions more worldwide. It’s an important

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The works Review

The Works Review

Welcome thespians! Check out The Works Review by Andrew Venning below! What a great short this is. We open with a woman walking through a park strikingly reciting Macbeth’s “Tomorrow and tomorrow”

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Shakespeare in Ten Acts Review

Shakespeare in Ten Acts – Review

Shakespeare in Ten Acts – Review To celebrate the Shakespeare 400th anniversary, the British Library have collated some fascinating and important objects that map out the influence of Shakespeare and

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Hamlet’s Reversed Don Quixote Dream

In keeping with Shakespeare’s 400th anniversary here are some appropriate reviews of: Hamlet, Don Quixote and Reversed Dream. Andrew Venning reviews Hamlet, Don Quixote and Reversed Dream. Hamlet Review Finally, the time

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Is this the future of beauty?

Is beauty predictable? In a material world transfixed with how people look and what people are wearing we ask: is it possible to predict the future trends of what beauty

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Check yourself
Real Life

How Safe is your Environment?

Do we ever take the time to think about the state of our own personal environment?  By Eden Milne When I hear the word ‘environment’, I think of outside and

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Romance Is In The Air

We’ve all seen Disney and Pixar films. We all know animals fall in love and live happily ever after. But even as a child I added my own my truthful

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Hall of fame
Behind the Scenes

Latest Hall of Fame Inductees

A big welcome to our latest inductees from January 2016   Rachael Hanley with Thespodyssey Episode One  Rob Mitchell with Why So Serious?  Ged Lawson with Food Review: Electric Diner  Michelle Newman

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Thespodyssey – Episode 3

Episode 3 This week! Where is Ryan Reynolds? Where is Yorkshire? And where is the Duck timer? We review TED Talks, new book Shylock is My Name, and more from

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Husbands and Sons: Review

Marianne Elliott wins again with this take on a  mixture of all three of D.H Lawrence dramatic works (The Widowing of Mrs Holroyd, The Daughter-in-law & A Collier’s Friday Night).

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What the hell is a superbowl?

What the Hell is a Superbowl?

 By Kris Makuch This word ‘Superbowl’ has been popping up in my news feed all week. Given the amount of hype it has received, I thought I’d give this thing

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funny horoscope
Just for Fun

Your Weekly Horoscope

Let’s take a quick look at this weeks horoscope..   Aries Your mind has recently been transfixed on one clear idea. It is important that you follow your dreams and

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Thespodyssey – Episode 2

Rachael and Andrew discuss the TAX monster and talk about the trivialities of the acting profession & other buffoonery. We also review Jane Bussman’s book, Iphigenia in Splott at the

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Living with Bi Polar

Living with Bipolar

 By Phil Airson So this is kind of a strange article to write. (Always a good start). This topic is so personal to myself and my family, it is something

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What a week
Behind the Scenes

Weekly Round Up 31st January

Watch our first ever Salt Angel Blue weekly round up right here. If you haven’t already go check out this weeks articles http://www.saltangelblue.co.uk/ Well done to Thespodyssey for winning article

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Fifty percent chance
Just for Fun

Will my Mum like this post?

Hi, I’m Kris / Koo. If you’re new to Salt Angel Blue I’m the editor, or more appropriately: the guy that presses ‘post’ on each article. Recently, it has came

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Food review: Electric Diner

The venue speaks for itself situated on the popular Portobello Road. The fit out, comfort well lit booths in the setting of a buzzing and trendy American Dining atmosphere. The

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Shakespeare in 2015

Shakespeare in 2015

 By Andrew Venning I have no qualifications to do this. No right. No experience (well?). No reason (mm). No right to say this view is the correct one, but it

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Street art London

Street Art: London

Undoubtedly, you will discover the leakage of my grey matter on the pages of this digital island. Needless to say these are mostly indulgences that pertain to my interest in

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Business Baking and Babies

Business, Baking and Babies

I’ve always loved baking! Especially cakes. For me the challenge is to create something that not only tastes good but also takes peoples breath away when they see it. I started

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Real Life

Marked for life

Gone are the days where tattoos represent your affiliation with the hells angels, gang culture or a checkered criminal past. Although that doesn’t stop some people making an instant judgment

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Because I have a job!!!

….Why So Serious?

In this day and age never a more valid question was posed… why has being alive become such a serious, unrelenting charade? A constant battle with stress in the endless

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Behind the Scenes

We’ve Evolved!

Hi everyone! Remember 2015?  In the beforetime when Adele was smashing the charts by merely answering her phone? Well that was also about the time we asked you for feedback

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Under the Hood
Behind the Scenes

Under the hood for September 2015

Total website hits: 303 Views from desktop: 145 Views from tablet: 19 Views from mobile: 145 Traffic sources: Direct: 50% Social Media: 32% Search: 9% Referral: 5% Email: 5% Subscribers: 33 Top articles from September Running

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Hi everyone!
Behind the Scenes

The October 2015 team

 Kris Makuch, Editor in Chief, Watcher of Doctor Foster  Ashley Berriman, Marketing, Co-watcher of Doctor Foster  Philip Airson, Contributor, Albuming  Josh Makuch, Contributor, The tattered dreams of an aspiring time traveller  Andrew Lumsden, User testing  Jonny Meatballs, Contributor, Almost viral  Caroline

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breaking the fourth wall

Breaking the fourth wall

 by Ben Carson, October 2015 The phrase “breaking the fourth wall” is used in theatre to refer to an actor who acknowledges the audience, shattering the illusion that the characters

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life as a military wife
Real Life

Life as a military wife

 by Eden Milne, October 2015 I’ve not exactly been a military wife for long but I am and it’s a huge part of me. TV shows give a false view

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Secrets of App production

HITC Sports App: Behind the scenes

 by Rob Sparks, October 2015 Our site, HITC.com, is dedicated to delivering the best sport coverage from our writers and around the web. Translating our web experience into an app

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Look at him! He's so cuute!

Why I want a Fennec Fox

  by Niamh BL, October 2015 Next in my series of cool animals I really want is the fennec fox, a very cute, Chihuahua-sized desert-dweller that you might recognise by their

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Looks a bit like the chechire cat
Creative Writing

Creature of the night

 by Caroline Airson October 2015 A greedy nose glinted in the moonlight, sniffing eagerly at what awaited it. “Do you have my package?” asked the cloaked figure. The voice, half

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Be an indian

When in India

 By Cheryl Anson, October 2015 Of the things I love most about travelling, top of the list are the interesting people you meet along the way. From the like-minded, funny

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Like streamlined rock climbing

Bouldering! What is it?

  Stephen Dryden October 2015 Back in 2011 I finally decided to fly the nest. I had been living with my parents throughout University and having started a new job in

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So handsome
Editors Note

Editors Note October 2015

 by Kris Makuch, October 2015 We’re so rock and roll! Wow. This one was a biggie! This month we’ve had more content submitted than ever before. A real barrage of

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Look at those pretty faces!
Behind the Scenes

The September 2015 team

 Kris Makuch, Editor in Chief, The time we saved the world from a Zombie Apocalypse  Andrew Lumsden, User testing  Ashley Berriman, Contributor, Sticks n Sushi food review  Josh Makuch, Contributor, Who even uses Facebook?  Philip Airson, Contributor, The time

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soo cute!

Why I want a Savannah cat

 by Niamh BL, September 2015 It’s well known that the internet is primarily made of cats. And quite right too, everybody loves a cat. So it seems only sensible add

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Look into the future

Google Cardboard Review

Upon hearing the words ‘Google Cardboard’ you’d think that this meant some sort of magical, intuitive, digital cardboard box… And you’d be kind right Google have taken it upon themselves to

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Turns out... Pretty hard

Juicing. How hard can it be?

 by Caroline Airson September 2015 After being swayed ridiculously easily by the persuasive powers of a documentary fat sick and nearly dead my husband and I decided to try a

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Almost... but not quite

Almost Viral – September 2015

 by Jonny Meatballs, September 2015 Tweeted love Unfortunate name  Classic mix-up Turtle with a Go Pro is very relaxing to watch Harold’s REALLY got to tell you something China Meet…

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Mostly my Mum

Who Uses Facebook anyway?

  by Josh Makuch, September 2015 On the 29th August 2015, for the first time ever, over one billion users used Facebook on a single day. The website, founded in 2004

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More beer!

Caribbean Stour Beer Review

 Beer review: Caribbean Stout, September 2015 It’s a nice sunny Tuesday evening (again), and it is still the perfect time for a cold beer, sitting out enjoying the last rays

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Editors note
Behind the Scenes

Editors note September 2015

Editors Note, by Kris Makuch, September 2015, We’re changing the world! ​ Well, will you take a look at this? Issue number four! This is a revelation! I am renowned for coming

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So cool!
Behind the Scenes

Editors note August 2015

 Editors Note, by Kris Makuch, August 2015 Ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to go to Walt Disney World As a kid I was transfixed by the magic of the

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Under the Hood
Behind the Scenes

Under the Hood

Under the hood A quick look at the interaction with last July’s issue. Total visits of July: 410 Views from desktop: 171 Views from tablet: 28 Views from mobile: 211 Traffic

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August 2015
Behind the Scenes

The August Issue #003 contributors

A look at the team who helped pull together issue #003  Kris Makuch, Editor in Chief, Six secrets of Walt Disney World  Rebecca Schrieber, Assistant Editor,  Philip Airson, Contributor, Inside Out: The review  Josh Makuch, Contributor, The

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adventure is out there
Just for Fun

Top Disney Inspirational Quotes

 The top seven most inspirational Disney quotes, by Andrew Lumsden, August 2015 Disney films mean different things to different people. So here is a list of the most inspirational quotes from

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Buzz and Woody!
Editors Choice

The Adventures of Buzz and Woody

The Adventures of Buzz and Woody, August 2015. Follow the adventures of Woody and Buzz as they adventure around London   “I think you’ve had enough tea for today, let’s

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Alost Viral

Almost Viral August 2015

 Almost Viral, by Jonny Meatballs, August 2015 Jonny takes a look at some Disney clips that may have passed you by… Disney songs, club remix:  First take for the Lion King:

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I love lamp!

The Pixar Effect

 The Pixar effect, by Josh Makuch, August 2015 How even the most famous animation studio in the world, Walt Disney Animation Studios, has succumb to the Pixar effect. A single word

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Aaaah insects!

Insects Make the best Superheroes

 Insects are the best superheroes, by Caroline Airson, August 2015 In response to Marvel: “Ant-man is the smallest superhero.” One of the taglines for Marvel’s new film Ant-man is ‘the smallest

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Growing up Disney
Real Life

Growing up Disney

 Growing up Disney, by Eden Milne, August 2015 Disney’s reach doesn’t only spread physically across generations and the globe, but spans a whole new world of growing pains, that are much

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Disney contactless

Disney World’s Magic Band review

 Disney Magic Band Tech Review, by Jonathan Fox, August 2015 Across the pond at the original epicentre of imagination, Disney World Florida, we discover an added dimension to their realm of

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Top treats of Disney World

Top treats of Disney World

When planning a visit to Walt Disney World you may research the rides, plan what day you will go where, and you may even book your evening restaurants in advance.

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Six times Disney showed you the world

Six times Disney showed you the world

 Six times Disney ‘showed you the  world’, by Jen Pen, August 2015 Designer-cum-Disney geek Jenny Pen draws the lines between fantasy and reality, so we can all visit our favourite animated-film

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Disney secrets

Six Hidden secrets of Walt Disney World

 Six Hidden secrets of Walt Disney World, by Kris Makuch, August 2015 We’ve heard the urban legends associated with Disney World. We know about the secret suite in Cinderella’s castle (true),

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#weRallbananas, by Laura Degnan, July 2015 “We are all bananas” – that’s the message behind a North East mental health group’s new social media campaign. Youth Speak has partnered with Middlesbrough filmmaker

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salt angel blue july 2015 team
Behind the Scenes

The July 2015 team

The #002 team A look at the team who helped pull together the July 2015 issue Kris Makuch Editor in Chief So you need a new superhero Rebecca Schrieber Assistant Editor

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Look. A Dog!

Under the Hood July 2015

 Under the hood A quick look at the interaction with last months issue. Total website visits: 914 Views from desktop: 656 Views from tablet: 35 Views from mobile: 223 Traffic sources Direct: 70%: Social

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So cool!

LG G4 Review

 Tech Review LG G4. By Jonathan Fox, July 2015 I recently had the fortune of getting my stubby, hot-dog fingers on a brand new LG G4, one of the most

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Mmm Beer

The Beer Review: Affligem

The Beer Review: Affligem by Peter Hall, July 2015 A sunny Tuesday evening is a perfect time for a cold beer – sitting out enjoying the last rays of sunshine,

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This is a film about magicians right?

Magic Mike XXL the review

 Magic Mike XXL the review. By Philip Airson, July 2015 Sometimes you just want to sit in a dark room and feel bad about your body, but pretty solid about

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Food review: Dip and Flip

 #food Dip and Flip review. By Ashley Berriman, July 2015 Let’s all show our true colours, and rally to that famous northern battle cry. It goes something like this: Cheese!

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Almost viral

Almost Viral July 2015

 Almost Viral. By Jonny Meatballs, July 2015 Jonny takes a look at some great clips that have have just slipped under your radar. Opening and closing shots of movies side

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Sad, sad, sad Nick Clegg

Nick Clegg

 Nick Clegg, the saddest face of all, and it wasn’t really fair by Mike Robb, July 2015 With the dust having settled on May’s General Election, many are now asking

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Stu review

Rescued by Rosé

 Rescued by Rosé. By Stuart Lancaster, July 2015 From Sunderland to Côte d’Azur. Our Stu’s charm has no geographical boundaries. Growing up in the mean streets of Sunderland, I was

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I run a website y'know
Editors Note

Editors Note

 Editors Note. By Kris Makuch, july 2015 “I run a magazine, you know” ​  I recently found the words “I run a magazine, you know!” Drop out of my mouth

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The #001 team June 2015

 The #001 team. June 2015  Here’s the full team that helped bring together this issue. Some great ideas and great articles. Well done guys!  Kris Makuch. Editor in Chief. So you need a

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Behind the scenes

Under the Hood June 2015

 Under the hood. By Salt Angel Blue. June 2015 A lot has happened since the release of the test issue #000 on May 11th. Below is a brief run-down of how

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San Andreas: The review

San Andreas: The Review

 San Andreas;The Review. By Phil Airson June 2015 Phil takes us on another jarring ride through his pinball movie-mind, this time on the shifty plates of San Andreas. More precisely, Phil

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... and it's seedy side

Discovering Luzerne

by Hollie Luck June 2015 Follow Hollie and Phil as they trek around Europe, dropping into a few vineyards on the way Had a super breakfast in our hotel, featuring

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Almost Viral

By Jonny Meatballs. June 2015 Sometimes a video doesn’t receive quite the recognition it really deserves. Here are a few of Jonny’s favourites from the past month. 1. Forget the Rubik’s

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nom nom nom

Maltby Street Market: Food Review

by Ashley Berriman, June 2015 Our very own foody with with an Instagram addiction visits a sweet and savoury haven in London I’m Ashley, and I’m one of those #foodheaven #brunch

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Love this article!
Just for Fun

If South Park did Inspirational Quotes

 by salt angel blue, June 2015 Recently Facebook and Twitter has been increasingly filled with images of well kerned quotes over high contrast sunsets created to inspire the reader with a

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Creative Writing

So you need a new superhero?

By Caroline Airson, June 2015 With Marvel and DC battling it out on the big-screen, why not champion a mega-power that’s closer to home? Well here’s a wily wonder hiding out

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Are you for real?

Virtual Reality: Are you for real?

 Virtual Reality: Are you for real? By Jonathan Fox June 2015 Our very own ‘techspert’ has an inside look at what’s really going on in the virtual world. Remember that scene

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Let's all live in the woods!

What is the future of housing?

By Jen Pen June 2015 In the unaffordable world of the current property market, why do so many of us scorn the affordable new-build? Resident architect Jen Pen sheds some energy-saving

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This is Ben


‘Blankness’ is Benjamin Robert Muir’s photographic self-portrait series that explores the inescapable lows of creative self-doubt. This series of self-portraits embodies the concept of being consumed by that depressive low

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This is my cool pose
Editors Note

Editors Note June 2015

Editors Note by Kris Makuch June 2015 What was I thinking? starting a magazine isn’t easy at all… Here’s some advice for those who ever have the urge to create an online

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It's a magazine. Right?

So what is it?

by James Hornsby May 2015 I was sitting in a windowless office by the vending machine, sipping the turgid filth that, in my opinion, was incorrectly labelled as coffee, thinking

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Was that my wine?
Real Life

Confessions of a Non Alcoholic

By Rebecca Schriebbe May 2015 Everyone knows how it feels to wake up despairing about their behaviour the night before, but Rebecca thinks she’s been there just one time too

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This isn't actually my hand

Do we really need a smartwatch?

 Jonathan Fox May 2015 Imagine the scenario. You’re basking in the glorious English sun, sunglasses on, cold beer in hand. It’s Saturday afternoon, everyone is mildly less aggressive than usual

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This is my cool pose
Editors Note

A note from the Editor in chief

by Kris Makuch May 2015 “I think I want to start an online magazine” Famous last words as a thought turned into a Facebook post, which turned into an eager

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