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We’ve Evolved!


Hi everyone!

Remember 2015? 

In the beforetime when Adele was smashing the charts by merely answering her phone?

Well that was also about the time we asked you for feedback on how we produce Salt Angel Blue. And my, did you answer!

We’ve spent a few late nights going through all of your thoughts and ideas working out how we can make them happen and thanks to you we have a completely new look and approach!

We’ve essentially spent Christmas in a drunken, turkey laden fit of web developing, inputing all of the grand designs you’ve suggested.

Here are but a few:

We’ve updated the website to be more like a news site.

We no longer produce articles on a monthly basis, we now release stories as and when they are written and as and when they are relevant.

Articles now take minutes to upload rather than days.

We’re casting our nets to new authors and contributors.

And we now know exactly who we are…

We are alternative culture!

Don’t forget that we still need your articles! 

Have you got something that you want to say about current events? 

Have you been to an unreal new bar that you want to tell everyone about? 

Have you found a new extreme support that heavily milks your adrenaline glands?

Write it down, send it over and we’ll spread your love to the followers.

Salt Angel Blue

Alternative culture

Thanks everyone!

 by Kris Makuch, October 2015

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